Meet SPRINT: A New Group Fitness Class from CORE57

Have you struggled with getting the fitness results you've wanted with traditional HIIT or all-cardio workouts? If so, say hello to SPRINT, our brand-new Sprint Interval Training (SIT) group fitness class that's all about boosting metabolism, decreasing cortisol, and improving cardiovascular health.

This high-intensity, short-duration class delivers huge metabolic and hormonal benefits without causing inflammation or physical stress. Especially for menopausal women, SIT can be a game changer.

How Does SPRINT Work?

Let's clear up a common misconception — SIT is not HIIT. They might seem similar, but there IS a difference! SIT involves short bursts of maximal effort, aiming for up to 85% of your max heart rate, with relatively short rest periods.

Think of it as the "sharpest form" of HIIT. We're talking 10 to 30 seconds of all-out work (trust us, even 30 seconds is TOUGH when you're giving it your all), followed by 10 to 30 seconds of rest/recovery, for no more than 10 to 15 minutes in total. That's it!

Our bodies change how they use energy as we age. Before menopause, our bodies prefer to use fat for fuel during rest and low-intensity activities. But once we start that hormonal transition, our body has a harder time using fat for fuel, making storage easier. This is where SPRINT comes in.

The Science Behind SPRINT

As menopause approaches, estrogen — the hormone that once assisted our bodies in using carbohydrates for energy — begins to decrease. This can lead to insulin resistance as the body struggles to adjust to the absence of estrogen's supportive role. But there's a solution: high-intensity exercise like SIT, paired in conjunction with your strength training! 

SIT is a game-changer because it demands glucose (sugar and carbohydrates) for fuel, effectively stepping into estrogen's shoes by drawing sugar out from the blood and into muscle cells. The result? Downstream, your body reverts to burning fat for fuel during rest or low-impact activities, reserving carbohydrates/sugar for energy during intense exercise. This is what we WANT!

But that's not all! SIT supercharges your mitochondria — the powerhouses in your cells. This leads to improved insulin sensitivity and reduced fasting blood sugar. It also boosts your body's production of Human Growth Hormone and Testosterone while keeping Cortisol in check. This significantly reduces the chances of gaining visceral and belly fat.

Not only that, but this training helps REDUCE inflammation and makes your blood vessels more responsive. When done right, this can contribute to lower blood pressure and fewer hot flashes.

Lastly, this type of training increases BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), which is responsible for the health of your brain cells. Prior to menopause, estrogen used to have a hand in optimizing this. Post-menopause, exercise like SIT steps up to the plate!

Fun fact: While long bouts of endurance training can increase cortisol and decrease testosterone and HGH, SIT does the exact opposite. It's a win-win for those of us experiencing menopause.

So, what can our SPRINT sessions do for you? Here are just some of the benefits:

  • Retrain your body to use carbs for energy rather than storing them as fat, thus boosting metabolism.

  • Increase insulin sensitivity.

  • Lower cortisol levels and reduce visceral/belly fat accumulation.

  • Improve the health of your cardiovascular system, blood vessels, and brain cells.

  • Improve your body’s stress resilience.

Join Our SPRINT Classes at CORE57 and Transform Your Fitness Journey

Ready to give SPRINT a shot? Just remember, it's all about balance — not too little, not too much. Striking that perfect balance is key!

We suggest two instructor-led sessions per week with our expert CORE57 trainers. They'll guide you through short bursts of high-intensity workouts, featuring a variety of exercises like mountain climbers, kettlebell swings, and more. We're talking about anything that gets your heart rate soaring!

SPRINT is more than just a workout -  It's a strategic weapon against menopause and hormonal changes, and a tool to retrain your metabolic processes and improve your overall health. So, are you ready to join us on your wellness journey and take control of your wellness with SPRINT? Check our schedule online or ask your trainers about SPRINT classes today, and let's take the first steps together!


Staff Spotlight: Tammy Thomson


Survivor Spotlight: Julie Seitz